Infertility, pregnancy, new motherhood… Are any of these reproductive struggles causing you stress and anxiety? The reproductive “nonsense” as I call it, is a hormonal roller coaster. All of it. So I created a webinar to help you reset your mindset so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and get back to enjoying your life. The life outside of reproductive nonsense. Remember that life? It still exists, you just have to rediscover it and nurture it a bit. That’s what you’ll learn in my 1-hour webinar, “Mindset and The Reproductive Sh*t.” You’ll also get a free workbook that accompanies the webinar so you can get the most out of it! (*When you purchase this bundle, you’ll receive an email with access details for the webinar, as it is not a physical product like the other products in this bundle.)
But mindset alone is just part of the bigger picture. Reproductive garbage (you now know it as nonsense) can cause a lot of stress, and sometimes mindset can use a little boost. Lavender has been proven to have a positive and significant effect on the limbic system, which is the part of the brain involved in behavioral and emotional responses. Lavender, in a variety of formats (essential oil, dried flowers, etc.) can elicit deep relaxation through its aromatherapy & physical properties. So in this bundle, you’ll also receive a handmade lavender-scented eye pillow and a 10 ml lavender roll-on oil.
To top it all off, you’ll receive my best-selling Cara B. Beauty Revitalizing Facial Oil. Because all of this reproductive– let’s call it what it really is, “sh*t” can also affect your beautiful, unique skin. So I’ve designed this facial oil to infuse your skin with oils of Dog Rose, Moringa Seed, Coconut, Hemp Seed, Olive, & Grape Seed. Each oil serves an important purpose in protecting and keeping your skin healthy, especially during the hormonal ups and downs of the reproductive sh*t. 👊
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