After much thought and consideration, I decided it was time to hang up my “Esthetician’s Day Off” apron and rebrand as The Hormonal Mama. But why?
Over the past 2 years, my life has changed in (amazing) ways I still can’t quite comprehend. After a lengthy battle with infertility, I miraculously conceived triplets and went on to have a healthy pregnancy with twins.
My babies were born 8 weeks premature and I suffered from preeclampsia in the final 4 weeks of my pregnancy. I had to have an unplanned csection due to complications (intrauterine growth restriction) with one of my babies. They spent the first 25 days of their lives in the NICU, while their mama struggled with pumping, breastfeeding, and an extremely painful and lengthy csection recovery.
The first year of their lives brought a very complicated and difficult breastfeeding + bottle + formula feeding journey. They turned one and I finally realized I was a mom.
When they turned one, I decided it was time for me to go back to work part time. Then the pandemic hit.
As we all know, our world was turned upside down and inside out. Throughout the past 4 months, I’ve realized that as much as i miss my work, I’m treasuring my time at home with the loves of my life. So, I made the decision to be a stay at home mom, while converting my business entirely online… for now.
I call myself the hormonal mama because I’ve been through the gamut, hormonally speaking. I went through the trauma of fertility treatments, I went through IVF, countless IUIs, fertility medication, endless blood draws, constant bad news. For 3 very long years, I suffered extraordinarily complicated emotions, partially due to the constant influx of hormones.
I went through a healthy, though complicated, and high risk pregnancy. I lost one of my babies. I gave birth to 2 healthy, tiny, premature babies and… well… hormones.
But here’s the interesting part. I’d laser focused my career around fertility, pregnancy and the postpartum period, far before I ever dealt with any of these things.
I’m a certified fertility massage specialist. I specialize in prenatal and postpartum massage. I’m a nationally approved Continuing education provider, who specializes in teaching prenatal, postpartum and advanced prenatal massage courses. I’m a licensed esthetician, with a pregnancy focused product line. I have all of these qualifications, and now I’ve lived through it all.
That’s why I’ve hung up my “Esthetician’s Day Off” apron, and am now proudly sporting my, “The Hormonal Mama” planner.